Contact Information

Theodore Lowe‚ Ap #867-859
Sit Rd‚ Azusa New York

We‘re Available 24/ 7. Call Now.

(888) 456-2790

(121) 255-53333

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We have made it as simple and quick as possible to launch pay-per-wear on your website. All you’ll need to do is to embed a Javascript snippet onto your site product pages. You can be up and running in minutes.
The best thing about DCEY TECH is that it is totally flexible; you can offer rental on one product to start, or you can add our pay-per-wear button to every item on your site. We recommend starting with a wide enough selection to deliver meaningful data, and having a full size range on each style. We also recommend extra depth in the sizes that are expected to be most popular to fulfil customer demand. Further styles can easily be added over time.
We have made it as simple and quick as possible to launch pay-per-wear on your website. All you’ll need to do is to embed a Javascript snippet onto your site product pages. You can be up and running in minutes.

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